




Brad Beau Cohen




ISBN ePUB: 978-3-95695-199-2

ISBN MOBI: 978-3-95695-214-2

Cover: Chris Phillips




Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.



All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.




“Make it rain, big boy, but we’re not in the desert anymore so wherever you like,” I tell him, but he doesn’t get it. So, I let him shoot across my cock, balls and bush. He quivers between my legs and watches himself shoot, open-mouthed. When he’s done, my pubic hair is canvas to his Pollock inspired paintwork. A pearly lattice of wet constellations covering my entire midsection, that’ll later turn to lace for me to peel off after he’d gone. He takes a second between exhales to admire his work with a shaky hand on my thigh. I admire it, too.


We start at the climax, the end product, the fruits and not the labour. This is the nature of cum, its story, its mythology, and I have to try my best to be as true as that white.