My family lives in La Casita—the
Little House.
It’s anything, but little. That’s
because it’s also a restaurant, with eight wooden
tables and lots and lots of overstuffed chairs. A
vase with fresh flowers sits on a big fancy table
under a crystal chandelier right in the middle of
the restaurant. The whole room seems to glow,
especially at night, when all the lights are on. And
since the floor is polished like glass, my parents, Luis
and Fortuna, insist that we walk one step at a time
through the dining room.

      La Casita has three windows facing the street
—I like to sit on the sills and watch people walking
by on the other side of the iron bars. Sometimes
the people smile or talk to me. Once an Indian lady
wearing a huipil gave me two canillas de leche,
which I shared with my brother Felipe.
      Everyone says La Casita is the
best restaurant in Guatemala City.